Population in Western Wyandotte County continues to increase
In 1968, Western Wyandotte County’s population (west of 38th Street) was 35,000. Today, that area has a population of about 60,000. This area has continued to grow during the past 50 years despite the loss of overall population in Wyandotte County. Wyandotte County’s overall population peaked in 1970 with 186,845. From 1970 until 2010, the county lost 29,340 persons. However, the present county population is estimated at 164,058. The population estimate for 2019 is 165,672.
Business West supports housing for military veterans
The Board of Directors of Business West approved a resolution that urges the Unified Government to donation property that is in its Land Bank to an effort that will provide for military veterans who have limited incomes. Jim Echols of Renaissance Management and Training, a Business West member, requested the support. The resolution urged all local, state and federal officials to approve the program.
Unified Government considers change in zoning code
More than 100 persons attended a meeting Wednesday, June 20 at the Salvation Army Harbor Light Village, 6723 State Ave. Rob Richardson, Director of Urban Planning and Land Use, said that the current code was written in the mid-1970s. He said that several other public meetings will be held during the next several months. Among the concerns expressed were those about Air BNBs, tiny homes and gravel driveways.
Interstate sign honors Bert Cantwell
About 50 friends and relatives of the late Bert Cantwell gathered Sunday morning June 3 at the 110th Street exit on I-70 to dedicate a memorial sign honoring Bert Cantwell. Cantwell was Wyandotte County Sheriff, the U.S. Marshal for Kansas and the superintendent of the Kansas Highway Patrol. He was also the President of the Kansas City, Kansas, Area Chamber of Commerce. He died on a trip to Ireland at the age of 64 in 1996.
BPU aims at scams
The Kansas City Board of Public Utilities has joined forces with the Utilities United Against Scams. The association includes more than 100 U.S. and Canadian utilities that are committed to eliminating scams that target utility service providers. BPU is dedicated to combating imposter utility scams. For more information, visit the website www.bpu.com/forhome/avoidfraud.
Business West to co-sponsor Candidates’ Forum
Business West, along with Kansas City, Kansas, Community College, will sponsor a Candidates’ Forum for the three Democrat candidates who are running for Judge in the 29th District. The forum will be at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 18 in Upper Jewell at the Community College, 7250 State Ave. The candidates are Tony Martinez, Mike Nichols and Jane Sieve Wilson.
Looking West directory planned
Looking West, the official directory of Business West, will be published soon. The directory lists Business West members and will be sent to all businesses in the 66109, 66111 and 66112 Zip Code areas. It also is mailed to selected residential areas. See attachment for additional details.
Hospital helps nursing students
The Olathe Medical Center recently donated 13 beds to the Nursing Department at Kansas City, Kansas, Community College. Susan Anderson, Director of Nursing at the College, said the beds will allow students to learn about modern technology so they will be better prepared in caring for patients.
Members always welcome
All Business West members are welcome to attend the monthly board meetings of Business West. The board meets at 12:30 p.m. the third Wednesday each month in the Board Room at The Dotte Spot Bar and Grill, 8123 Parallel Pkwy. in the Arrowhead Center.