Murrel Bland

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So far Murrel Bland has created 191 blog entries.

Business West looks at legislative issues

By Marisa Gray Advocacy is an important service that Business West members receive. That includes taking a stand on legislative issues. Two unrelated matters before the Kansas Legislature were discussed at the recent monthly meeting of the Business West Board of Directors. The issues concerned tax deductions for those who purchase homes and reporting requirements [...]

Military post has financial impact on community

Ft. Leavenworth has a considerable financial impact on the area. That was the message that Richard Keller, a retired lieutenant general, gave to the Wyandotte-Leavenworth Study Committee at its monthly meeting Tuesday, Jan. 8 in the community room of the Country Club Bank. The committee recently helped in completing an extensive economic development study of [...]

Business West plans for new year

By Marisa Gray It is a new year and Business West recently approved its program of work for 2013. Business West will move ahead in its final stages of developing a benefit district along the State Avenue and 78th Street corridor. The goal is to have the district operational by the end of the year. [...]

K-7 corridor study looks to quality development

The Mid-America Regional Council earlier this year released an economic development study and suggested strategy for the K-7 corridor. The 13-mile area stretches from the City of Leavenworth on the north to the Bonner Springs. K-7 began as a two-lane road that linked Kansas City with northeast Kansas cities; it became a four-lane highway in [...]

Business West marks another successful year

By Marisa Gray          Business West recently completed its 27th year. Joe and Katie Maderak founded Business West in 1985 so that area businesses could have a collective voice. That advocacy continues as Business West begins its 28th year.            The State Avenue Corridor Planning Committee, a division of Business West, will holds its annual [...]

Opportunities remain in State Avenue corridor

        Business West’s major project for the past several months has been establishing a benefit district in the State Avenue and 78th Street corridor.         Presently Business West members are contacting property owners in the corridor, asking them to sign a petition that would establish a community improvement district, or a cid for [...]

College extends resources to business

        Kansas City, Kansas, Community College has many resources to help area businesses. This was the message members of the Kansas City, Kansas, Area Chamber of Commerce heard Friday, Sept. 7 at a luncheon in the Jewell Building.         The college offers various opportunities through SEEN-- an acronym that stands for “Sustainable Enterprise [...]

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